Different ways of doing: how to integrate sustainability in the fashion curriculum?
Different ways of doing: how to integrate sustainability in the fashion curriculum?
An investigative project conducted with Alana James (Northumbria University) and Hong Kong based NGO, Redress to understand the fashion educator experience of teaching sustainability. Following the collection and analysis of data gathered from educators in Hong Kong, China, UK and Australia, the project will conclude with a suite of resources to support educators develop innovative curriculum.
Redress Design Award: https://www.redressdesignaward.com/mission/
An investigative project conducted with Alana James (Northumbria University) and Hong Kong based NGO, Redress to understand the fashion educator experience of teaching sustainability. Following the collection and analysis of data gathered from educators in Hong Kong, China, UK and Australia, the project will conclude with a suite of resources to support educators develop innovative curriculum.
Redress Design Award: https://www.redressdesignaward.com/mission/

fashion design researcher, author, consultant

Dr Alison Gwilt is a fashion design researcher, author and consultant. She explores and promotes a range of innovative design methods and approaches that enable the fashion and textiles community, from educators, to producers, and consumers, to adopt more sustainable and ethical practices. Her work focuses on the use of positive/sustainable design interventions that challenge the current production and consumption paradigm. Alison’s books include ‘Shaping Sustainable Fashion’ (2011), ‘A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion’ (2014 & 2020), ‘Fashion Design for Living’ (2015) and ‘Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion’ (2019).
Alison holds a PhD from RMIT University, Melbourne and a BA (Hons) Fashion & Textiles Design from Central St Martins College of Art in London, and she has worked in academia in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Following her role as Reader in Fashion and Sustainability at Sheffield Hallam University, UK, Alison relocated to Australia in 2017. She is Professor of Design (UNSW).
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Books, Publications & Talks
I have been invited to give keynote lectures, talks and workshops on fashion and sustainability by organisations and institutes including Eindhoven University of Technology (NL); Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art (CH); University of Exeter (UK); Massey University (NZ); Redress Asia (China); Art Gallery of NSW (Aus). I have also published book chapters, journal articles and papers in international publications and conferences including the Research Journal of Textiles and Apparel, (HK); Fashion: The Whole Story (Thames & Hudson); Making Futures journal (UK); MISTRA project (UK/Sweden); Fashion & wellbeing conference, IFFTI/LCF (UK). I am a peer reviewer for book publishers, journals and conference committees including: the Design Journal; Fashion Practice: the Journal of Design, Creative Process and the Fashion Industry; Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education; Textiles and Clothing Sustainability journal; Fairchild books; Shapeshifting conference (NZ); PLATE conference (UK).