Different ways of doing: how to integrate sustainability in the fashion curriculum?
Different ways of doing: how to integrate sustainability in the fashion curriculum?
An investigative project conducted with Alana James (Northumbria University) and Hong Kong based NGO, Redress to understand the fashion educator experience of teaching sustainability. Following the collection and analysis of data gathered from educators in Hong Kong, China, UK and Australia, the project will conclude with a suite of resources to support educators develop innovative curriculum.
Redress Design Award: https://www.redressdesignaward.com/mission/
An investigative project conducted with Alana James (Northumbria University) and Hong Kong based NGO, Redress to understand the fashion educator experience of teaching sustainability. Following the collection and analysis of data gathered from educators in Hong Kong, China, UK and Australia, the project will conclude with a suite of resources to support educators develop innovative curriculum.
Redress Design Award: https://www.redressdesignaward.com/mission/

Caring for places and things
This project explores the ways in which people (designers, makers and users) extend and preserve the life of specific objects and places through ‘caring’. Involving researchers from the design disciplines of fashion, product and interiors, the study examined the practices and attitudes of people towards the caring and maintaining of particular artefacts and/or environments, insight that may stimulate innovative approaches to design for caring. Funded by the Art and Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University the project was led by Dr Alison Gwilt with Jackie Leaver, Gordon Young and Mark Fisher.​
Gwilt, A., Leaver, J., Fisher, M. & Young, G. (2015) ‘Understanding the caring practices of users’. In: PLATE 2015, Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University. Available at: http://www4.ntu.ac.uk/plate_conference/proceedings/index.html